Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need permission to paint my house/build a fence/put on a new roof or make other exterior changes or improvements?


Yes, you must first obtain approval from the Architectural Control Committee.

  1. Check the Deed Restrictions for guidance
  2. Contact the Architectural Control Committee to get approval for your specific project BEFORE YOU BEGIN OR PURCHASE MATERIALS. Check the MEA Committee list to find the email contact information for the current Architectural Control Committee Chair.

Is this a tree waste month or a junk/heavy trash month? What day? What do I do if they don’t pick it up on the designated day?


Is it an odd numbered month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov)? Tree waste. Even numbered month (Feb, April, June, Aug,Oct, Dec)? Junk waste. Marilyn Estates’ pickup day is the 2nd Wednesday of the month. A 311 report can be made if the trash isn’t picked up as scheduled. Check the Solid Waste website for additional details.

When is the next Marilyn Estates Association Meeting?


MEA meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of the first month of the calendar quarter. Check the News for upcoming meeting dates and times. Homeowners should also receive an email about MEA events – if you aren’t receiving emails contact your block director or send an email to lorisullivan at